Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Carbon Footprint in Cute Graphics

The most detailed carbon footprint calculator I've yet seen. I'm not doing too badly... if everyone were to live my lifestyle, we'd only need half another planet. (Though Fernando's response was: "Ya, but where are you going to find it?")

Visiting my folks in Vancouver/Nanaimo always kills my footprint. But I fly standby, so it doesn't really count right? BrotherPablo says I can transfer that part of my footprint to the people who bought tickets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am in denial about my carbon footprint. My contribution to the environment is not having kids who in turn would have made a bigger mess ;)