Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Book / Site recommend: For ecologikizing

Skimmed through the book Big Green Purse at work the other day, and as enviro books go, it was really good--lots of tips, interesting, easy to use format etc. But, better yet, she has a web site which is also attractive and well organized. Here is its purpose:

"We're unique in our focus on women because women spend $.85 of every dollar in the marketplace. That's a lot of power packed in a purse...but only if it's used in a way that can't be ignored. That's why Big Green Purse is encouraging A MILLION WOMEN to shift at least $1,000 of money they already spend for an initial $1 billion Big Green Purse impact. Want to join us? Here's how.

Added bonus:

Big Green Purse saves you time. We've strolled the shopping aisles and browsed the search engines so you don't have to. We've found products that are really green (not just "green washed") at prices you can afford. Where possible, we've pinpointed goods that are not only green but "fair trade," meaning people are paid a fair wage for their work and no child labor is involved."

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