Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Humus for the Masses

As I walked home last night, singing "Bat Out of Hell" because my ipod battery was dead, I figured out the answer to my composting dilemma.

Throw the compost out with the garbage.

If I put it in biodegradable bags (I know they exist for the leaves you rake up) then... not too much harm done to the landfill, methinks. A little rich humus here and there. Can't hurt. Might help.

So when I'm ready, I'm going to go ahead and get a composting system. Between that, my recycling, and my re-using, I should have very little actual garbage.

Composting still requires some work, though, and doing it indoors or on the balcony can pose some problems (Eg. needing a place for water to runoff.) The tidiest solution is, well, the manufactured one: The NatureMill, which is $400. A composting robot! Uh ya. I'm not that rich.

Anyway, I'll either think about this later in the summer, or next summer. My current dilemma is getting set up for organic veggie delivery.

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