Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tip: stock

I watched some Jacques Pepin how to cut veggies video last summer, and finally realized the easy way to make homemade stock. He suggests you keep all the ends and bits you cut off your veggies in a bag in the freezer. Ohhhh!

So all semester I've been saving the veggies. I made a list of which ones work well and which are too overpowering, from Karen Claffey's book, and hung this on my fridge. And every time I chop onions I put the root part that I lopped off into the bag; or the end bits of celery, etc.

By the end of the semester I had a full baggy, so I took out my Claffey cookbook again for instructions. I boiled them in a ton of water with salt and seasonings; cooled it down; wrung out the veggies when I removed them; and then froze the stock in 1/2 cup quantities in little tupperwares.

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