Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Avon Animal Friendly Day

I thought that for Earth Day I should post something earthee-esque. But I'm at work this evening, just catching a bit of internetahj before I go back on the floor. So I'll just post something veganee.

My scalp gets very dry and itchy, so this past year I un-veganized and bought Head and Shoulders. But before starting my 3rd bottle, I already started feeling bad and stopped.

The only dandruff shampoo I know of that is not tested on animals (and readily available) is Avon. Not all of Avon's products are vegan (that is, with no animal derived ingredients), but since 1998 they don't test. Yay! And for people like myself who don't want to spend a lot of money on shampoos, cosmetics etc., the price is right.

And now that my friend is distributing them, I plan to buy all sorts of things from them. Yay! ...When the stuff I have is empty that is. And I get some paycheques in.

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