Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Want to know how The Other Half lives?

In detail? From a NYTimes article on the lifestyles of the kind of people who would be affected by Obama's proposed $500 000 salary cap:

If a person is married with two children:

1. Weekly deductions on a $500,000 salary are:

federal taxes, $2,645;
Social Security, $596;
Medicare, $139;
state taxes, $682;
and city, $372,
bringing the weekly take-home to $5,180, or about $269,000 a year

2. Living expenses:

2 vacations a year, a winter trip to the sun and a spring trip to the ski slopes: Total minimum cost: $16,000.

three-bedroom apartment (purchased for $1.5 million)
monthly mortgage $8,000
co-op maintenance fee of $8,000 a month

summer house in Southampton (cost $4 million)
monthly mortgage payments of $20,000.

cars and drivers:
chauffeur’s pay: $75,000 - $125,000 a year (the higher end for former police officers who can double as bodyguards)
garage for car: $700 a month.

A personal trainer at $80 an hour three times a week comes to about $12,000 a year.

Charity galas: $10,000 - $15,000 on a dress --> 3-4 dresses/year

Each Brooks Brothers suit costs about $1,000

private school $32,000 a year per student.
additional tutoring (needed for those private schools) $125-175 / hour
SAT tutors are about $250 an hour.
Nanny: $45,000.

$425 every 10 days on groceries

Dry cleaning.
kennels for the dog when the family is away
summer camp,
spas and other grooming for the human members of the family,
donations to charity
frozen hot chocolates at Serendipity ($8.50 each)
TOTAL: about $790,750

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm ... a meagre existence... Reminds me of a magazine spoof ad many years ago asking for aid for a family in Westmount Montreal.
