Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where is all my peeps?

I haven't attended church in many moons... maybe about 10 years? I've always thought I'd go back to one--or to some spiritual gathering type meeting up thingy--if I ever came across Just the Right Thing. I'm not going to go looking at this point.

But I'm starting to feel, for the first time, like I need a Hippie Gathering. Where are all the old hippies, and gray-haired vegans? I know lots of people in their 20s who are concerned about ethical issues such as extreme income disparities and such (I was studying developing areas after all--the campus is full of them) but where are the people who are still trying to live with these ethics in mind in their 30s? 40s?

When I told a school friend that I was vegan she was surprised because: "I've never met someone over 25 who was a vegan."

I know they're out there. They write cooking blogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't let Pappy see this post. More ammunition for him to get you to move to the land of the vegan hippie-people!