Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fastforwarding through the mundane

I watched the movie Click today. It was a decent tv viewing--not genius, but it raises an idea I think is important.

In it the hero (Adam Sandler) gets a remote control that allows him to fastforward through his life, or pause, turn off the sound, etc. The main thing he starts doing is fastforwarding through the boring bits, and then through the hard parts, trying to get to the next goal without experiencing all the crap it takes to get there.

I think we live life that way, sometimes. We put our all on the next goal, and see our day-to-day lives as something we have to grudgingly get through; everything is about the next raise, or job, or university degree, or getting a boyfriend, or getting married, or buying a flat screen tv, etc. etc.

I don't mean we shouldn't set goals or anticipate fun things, but not at the expense of the present. Can you be happy if you see the present as just a bunch of chores to get through? Brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom, eating, getting dressed, getting undressed, getting up for work, sitting in traffic, over and over and over.

You have to seek the beauty and enjoyment tucked in amongst the chores.

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