Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cruelty free hair?

Over the past few years I've slowly tried to cut out animal-tested (and preferable animal-igredient) products such as shampoos, cleaners etc. Luckily it's getting easier all the time to find these kinds of products at common stores, and not too expensive. And once you know what to buy, and where, you never have to think about it again.

I've added a photo album to the right, showing the labels of some of these products--ones that I've found at the local pharmacy or grocery store or Zellers. I'll add to it when I can.

One of the main sources for hair products is Belvedere International. Today I bought a ginormous bottle of Down Under Natural's shampoo for just under $6, at Maxi. Their stuff is labeled "never tested on animals" and here is the response one vegan got when emailing the company:

hank you for taking the time to contact us, and for your concerns on
Animal Testing.
None of Belvedere International Inc. products are tested on animals, nor
do we contract this testing out.
Also, the ingredients used (as confirmed by our suppliers) are not
tested on animals either.
Hope this information is helpful.

Yours truly,
Patty Turnbull
Consumer Relations Dept.
Belvedere International Inc.
July 24, 2006


Anonymous said...

Hello, I wonder if Belvedere still doesnt test on animals. So I want to write a mail but cant find their mail address. Where could you find it? Could you give me the address?

Thanks indeed :)

London Mabel said...

I don't know. I finally switched to baking powder as shampoo, to escape this whole thing.