"Diet: Three meals and two snacks daily, high quality protein (above all, wild salmon), "good" fats, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. No sugar. A long list of prohibited foods including carrots, bananas, duck, potatoes, flour, raisins, corn, soda (even diet soda) and many others."
That's enough for me to reject a diet--I don't believe in the wholesale rejecting of entire foods or food groups. (Yes, I don't eat entire groups of food, but that's morally based, not dietetic.) Don't eat carrots? Bananas? Flour? Anytime I see something that ridiculous, I'm Out. Being allergic, or not liking the taste--those are the only reasons for not eating an otherwise edible fruit. Even something like sugar can be eaten in reasonable amounts--it's not granulated arsenic, as the Skinny Bitch girls claim.
And of course... he sells a bunch of expensive products on his site. Mmhm.
But the final reason I wouldn't go to him for aging advice is that he looks like an old Ken doll.

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