Ahhh how to eat enough veggies, that is the question.
In the olden days, when I had Time, it was pleasant to go to a giant veggie market and bring home bags full of fruits and veggies, in good shape, lasting, inexpensive. But once I'm in school, this just ain't gonna happen.
That leaves dried, canned and frozen. All of these get a bad rap for being unhealthy, but the reality is that they all retain high levels of nutrients--often higher than fresh food. On the down side, the canned stuff has additives--and the dried and frozen has to be cooked, so um hard to use in salad.
President's Choice has this Blue Menu stuff which doesn't add salt. (Mind you, they had a botulism green bean recall recently, which is what you get.) I try to buy small cans, because otherwise the amount of veggies is too big.
It's also good to have some dried veggies on hand, for spaghetti sauce, or couscous or whatever.
Frozen is the easiest way to go, and there's more variety available. Sometimes I go the cheap macedoine route, sometimes I buy the stir fry type that has beans and carrots and onions, and other times I go all crazy and buy Europe's Best which is supah-tasty!
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