Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Makeup and Soaps

This summer I chose not to work on my research, and just work on getting my apartment back in order, and my kitchen. Yesterday I bought two gigantic Jamieson calcium/mag bottles [vegan! yay!], and did two different back-breaking grocery trips (no car) to restock my kitchen. I grabbed all the Veg Times I had sitting around (my mother got me a subscrip one year) and clipped out all the recipes that 1. were vegan, or easily made into vegan; 2. didn't contain weird vegan products that are hard for me to source (cheese is the worst contender); and 3. were easy to make, cause I'm a crap cook. I'm taping them onto recipe cards and sticking them in the cute recipe box a friend brought me from New York years ago. As I try out some recipes I'll post them here.

Another thing I did this summer was buy Head and Shoulders, and acne face wash. For years I've used Jason shampoo, which is vegan and available at Loblaw's (back when I was able to get down there); but my scalp's been dry so I developed a nervous *tick* of scratching my head! Not very nice looking, and irritating to myself. I finally got fed up and said--screw it! I'm buying a non-vegan approved dandruff shampoo. (I read all the brand labels in the store, but none were marked non-animal tested.) But whenever I buy something unvegan, I promise myself to ramp up the effort to look for a replacement.

I also wanted to buy some kind of facial cleanee type thingy, because normally I do NOTHING for my face, and then once every 5 years I feel like I should be taking better care of myself. I found a facial scrub from St.Ives, which isn't Tested; but I also wanted the kind of liquid you can slap on and not rinse off. Because... as I've said. I'm BUSY which leads to LAZY. Lazy to the point of Deterioration! Anyway, I bought the cheapest no-name brand of acne wash, but also have to replace this. On the green front, I DID buy cotton puffs from the dollar store, which are rapidly filling up landfills! Hmm. Maybe I could take some soft cloths and cut them up into bite sized pieces and use those instead.

Anyway, all this to say--when I'm in the grocery store, finally Giving In to buying a facial cleanser or something, I can never remember which brands are animal-happy. I stand there for half an hour looking at labels. So I'm going to post a sidebar with a bunch of animalee companies, because I think the key here is to just memorize some major brands. (Well, of course most major brands are extremely un-animal friendly, re-testing each time just so they can say "Oh this Cucumber Oil Essence Papaya ingredient makes our shampoo New and Improved!")

I'll also post a post with a bunch of logos. I need visual stimulants to remember these.

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