Trying to live a practical, but compassionate life towards all living creatures (animal, mineral, vegetable, humanable) without being a self-righteous ass.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bombs Away! : Vegans and flatulence

I'm not sure why the very first post I'm putting on this site is about ye aulde bum trumpeting. Well, it's as good a place to start as any.

When people go vegetarian or vegan, they often start to experience The Wonderful World of Flatulence, and are very Alarmed. The veggie diet, if it's a healthy one, is chock full of late digesters (that is to say, food that's not fully broken down til it hits the large intestine, therefore causing the magical fruit). Beans, complex carbs, and fruits and veggies are all the top suspects in both a veggie diet, and a flatulence lifestyle. Apparently your body should adjust after eating the new diet for awhile--I don't know, I never tracked this myself.

Is this reason enough to stop being a veg? Hm, well I hope not. As with most things in this crazy old world (aka Western Society), we've taken this natural phenom and made it something to feel guilty about. I understand the embarrassment factor; after all, farting is smelly, which puts it in the category of other Wastes that we try not to share with our Fellow Man. But we're not ashamed of the fact that we produce shit are we? That we pee? Being fartitudinous isn't immoral. It shouldn't be a stain on your character.

I am a generous fluffer, and I don't mind saying so. I don't know if I increased when I became a vegetarian or a vegan. I know someone who's a regular omni eater, and she simply found that her body changed when she hit 30, and Beano became a way of life. (Beano is not vegetarian, by the way. Apparently other products exist.) So I might have become more farty in my old age, regardless of my diet.

I'm glad I'm married to someone who works in the health industry, and is unphased by Bodily Functions. I would dislike it excessively were I to be judged for my wind-breaking within the confines if my own home! If eating the "good" carbs, and fruits and veggies and pulses--all the things that are supa healthy, and that meat-eaters should be eating too--means I also have to be a gas factory, then so be it. I try to circumspect in Public, but otherwise I will not apologize for my bacteria. They've got to eat too.

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